HCMP Rules on Deer Processing
- We will not accept deer without valid license/licenses.
- We will get your product back to you in a timely manner but we do not guarantee your product back to you by a certain deadline.
- When your order is completed we will notify you by postcard or e-mail . It is extremely important that you give your correct address to us when the deer is dropped off.
- We appreciate all deer to be picked up promptly. Any meat held longer than 2 weeks will be charged $ 20 per week storage fee for each additional week held. Processing held longer than 90 days become property of HCMP. Then we will give it to the Feed the Hungry Program.
- We reserve the right to refuse any trim not properly handled. Treating your venison with care will yield a high quality product.
-Do not put deer trim in trash bags as most trash bags are sprayed with a chemical.
- When bringing in trim for sausage no fat, hair or bloody pieces are acceptable.
- We prefer you bring in your whole carcass deer to us hide on it does not save us time or you money by skinning it yourself.
- Please wait for your horns when you drop off your deer, and if you have a cape you must pick it up the next day.
- A $80 deposit is required for all carcass deer.
-$1 per pound Deposit on all trim
-$ 2 per pound Deposit on 1/4 rd deer
_ Cape Deer $40
- Hurry up processing $100 deposit 3/under days
-Compare our prices with the other guys we will treat you right